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Commercial and Residential Electrical Services in Ottawa

Professional Electrical Services You Can Count On

Electricity is an essential feature in your home and business. Without the proper systems in place, you can miss out on time with your loved ones or you can struggle to serve your customers the way that they deserve. Lit Electric has the modern solutions you need for your unique electrical setup. As a trusted name in expert electrical work, we offer superior services for all aspects of electrical contracting of any scope, including residential and commercial work. We are a leading ESA-licensed contractor in the region and have extensive, hands-on experience that helps your projects run smoothly. Our extensive knowledge and experience lets you enjoy safe, reliable electricity at your home or business the way you want. When you want a true professional by your side for your electrical work, look no further than Lit Electric.

electrician testing voltage

Take Advantage of More Than 22 Years of Electrical Experience

At Lit Electric, our skilled and accredited team of electricians bring more than 22 years of experience to every job. Lit Electric understands and appreciates the value of dependable electrical systems. We make it our mission to provide top-tier electrical service to our clients and proudly stay committed to not only meeting but exceeding our clients’ expectations. We have worked hard to earn the trust of Ottawa and its surrounding areas and are confident that we can offer you unrivaled results. Contact Lit Electric today and let us show you all the benefits that our work can offer.

Focused on Safety for All Electrical Work

Electrical wiring should never be considered a hobby project for untrained professionals. While some out there consider electrical work to be as comparable to “stringing outdoor patio lights,” we know better. You should always play it safe and enlist the help of our trained experts if you are even slightly unsure of what you are doing. Not only do we have the right expertise and tools to get the job done quickly and efficiently, but we also make safety our top priority. Lit Electric stays in full compliance with the provisions of the Canadian (CEC)/Ontario Electrical Code (OEC) and maintains only the highest industry standards and work practices. Next time you have wiring work to do, don’t take the risk of doing it wrong. Get the job done safely with electrical assistance from us.

Lit Electric Knows Watt’s Up!

Customer Reviews

Lit Electric

P.O. Box 353 900 Greenbank Road, Ottawa, On. K2J-4P6


Hours of Operation
Monday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM